If you can assume nothing & expect nothing then perhaps you’ll find what you never knew you could look for.
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I think it is and I’d like to ask you to invest Two Minutes and read though this website.
My name is Simon Hedley and I’m known by my select clients as The Strategic Alchemist.
For over two decades I have been primarily working by referral, and often privately behind the scenes as “Simon X”.
You can think of me as The Secret Weapon for Good People Doing Great Things.
Today if you’d like my input you can choose to work with me as your Strategic Alchemist , request Consulting – or join The Club.
People usually connect with me for a reason and at a time when it’s possible to make the difference. You may already be clear why we’ve connected or perhaps you’re still exploring what may be possible for you. Sometimes we won’t know until we start. That’s the nature of Strategic Alchemy™. Whichever the case, when you’re ready to take your next step I look forward to speaking with you and being of service.
You can learn more about me here.
As Strategic Alchemist, I provide incredible value in unique ways, combining a blend of practical business growth mechanics & human potential technologies.
For over two decades, I have been (and still am) the secret weapon of many well-known leaders and founders from their days as boot strapped startups, through challenging pivots to award winning success stories.
Are you ready to really get access to what’s possible for your life and business, and set your self up for success?
Sometimes all that is needed is the right advice in the moment to get past a challenge, find the way forward or discover new possibilities. At other times deep domain knowledge and an ability to take on an independent observer perspective can make the biggest difference to results and the bottom line.
Fundamentally, I am hired to consult to provide advice & expertise in order to help solve problems, improve their operations, or generate optimised results.
If you find yourself asking this question or being dissatisfied with your business results, the consistency of the results, or the potential / actual growth then this is a great time to book in an initial consulting session.
During the session we’ll review the core Growth Mechanics™ of your business and look to identify potential causes of what’s really wrong with the business, as once these are identified we can then move into solution discovery and implementation.
Given my experience in audit, accounting, banking and business often we can identify problems and solutions in one initial consult session.
If you find yourself asking this question often you have a sense of the goal / end outcome you want to reach, but not clarity on the ways to start.
Why does this happen:
During our session we will gain clarity on the viability of the goals and come with strategies to take them from possibilities to certainties.
Once you have the strategy in place, we’ll priorities a success plan and next steps so you build progress and momentum.
This is a great question once things a business is started and when there are some things working. Especially if you’re really needing and committed to doing better and when someone is open to really optimise their results, process and systems.
During our initial consulting session we’ll identify the core drivers for growth, and explore potential opportunities and synergies.
Most founders, entrepreneurs and business owners are great at what they do and specialised. One of my forte’s is being a generalist and being able to help connect dots (People, Projects, Ideas, Technology and Resources) that may not be obvious or even known.
Maintaining and building momentum and growth requires different skills and systems, then starting a venture. I love to help people put these in place so they can really thrive and have a business blueprint that’s optimised to their skills and circumstances.
Do you have a legacy plan and goal? Over twenty years I’ve found that most people haven’t thought this through and even if they do they don’t have a solid plan in place or implemented.
The result is a lack of freedom and “frustration”.
Once this is clarified and this North Star is put in place, they are able to move forward powerfully with a different approach to life and business.
This in turn produces more synergy, congruence, streamlining and satisfaction.
It’s not just what you’re doing but why you’re doing.
I have crafted and curated some specific inquiries that help people sculpt and shape their view of not just what’s possible for their legacy but also to bring it forward from a one day maybe dream to a grounded reality that’s being built and in so doing this makes all the difference.